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Jeppview Cycle 1209 [PC]
Applications > Windows
3.92 GB

Jeppview Cycle 1209 [PC]

May 5, 2012

Jeppview Cycle 1209 [PC]

World Full 024NE16791
VFR EUROPE - Requested

Hello Again! Today I found a new cycle 1209.


good stuff (just as i reached 95% on 1208)
THX DUDE!!!! We needed a new revision so badly!!!

God bless you! Keep up the JV's :)
Tks Fernando Let me Know where you found it to help for the next
you're great man.
thank you.
Fernando me fala um email que possa te contactar. Abraco
many many thanks :-)
Thank You. Keep them coming.
VFR EUROPE: 024NF16790
Somebody have an update for IPAD TC or JD
Thx fernandodunha
Thanks for your efforts fernandodunha
Airportlist.bin ??
hey thanx alot ; keep up the good work
@capt_nemo, any chance you can create a more mac friendly link to the airportlist.bin file.
Capt_nemo....never mind, got it. Thanks for the upload.

040LG07338 Alaska
040HO07330 Canada
040HO07334 Canada - East
040DG07322 Canada - West
040HG07338 Canada - West / Alaska
040HK07342 Canada-Alaska
040HM07335 Caribbean
040HM07331 Mexico
040HE07339 U.S. Ports of Entry (Latin Supplement)
040HI07343 Latin America
040HI07342 Pacific Basin
040HM07334 Australasia
040HA07334 Australia
040HE07338 Far East
040HM07330 Hawaii
040HN07328 Brazil
040HN07332 Northern South America
040HF07336 Southern South America
040DN07316 Venezuela
040HJ07340 South America
040HK07341 USA - 48 States
040HG07337 USA - Central
040HC07333 USA - Central & West
040HO07329 USA - East
040HO07333 USA - East & Central
040HO07337 USA - Great Lakes
040HK07333 USA - High Performance 4000
040HK07329 USA - Military
040HC07337 USA - North Central
040HG07341 USA - North Central & Great Lakes
040DO07313 USA - Northeast
040LO07341 USA - Northwest
040HG07329 USA - South Central
040HC07341 USA - Southeast & South Central
040DO07325 USA - Southwest
040HO07341 USA - West
044DO08029 Xpress USA - California
040DC07317 Xpress USA - Central
047DO07249 Xpress USA - East
040DO07321 Xpress USA - East Central
044LO08033 Xpress USA - Florida
040LO07337 Xpress USA - Great Lakes
040HO07353 Xpress USA - Michigan
044DO08017 Xpress USA - Mid Atlantic
047LO04769 Xpress USA - Mid South
040DG07325 Xpress USA - North Central
047DO04753 Xpress USA - Northeast
047LO07277 Xpress USA - Northwest
040LG07329 Xpress USA - South Central
046LO07713 Xpress USA - Southeast
047DO04765 Xpress USA - Southwest
040HG07345 Xpress USA - Texas
040DC07321 Xpress USA - West Central
040HJ07341 Africa
040HH07341 Austria
040HL07333 Central Europe
040HI07340 China
040HK07343 Eastern Europe
040HO07331 Eastern Europe Special Manual
040HL07329 Europe
040HD07341 Europe Military
040HL07341 Europe-Mediterranean
040HH07337 France
040HP07333 Germany
040HP07331 India
040HH07329 Italy
040HL07343 Middle East and South Asia
040HP07341 Northern Europe
040HD07333 Scandinavia
040HN07329 South Africa
040HP07337 Spain
040HJ07342 Atlantic Special Manual Trans Atlantic
040HP07329 United Kingdom & Ireland
040DM07313 VFR - Austria
040LM07329 VFR - Belgium and Luxembourg
040DM07317 VFR - Bosnia and Hercegovina
040HM07329 VFR - Central Europe
040DA07317 VFR - Denmark
040HM07333 VFR - Eastern Europe
040HI07341 VFR - Europe
040LA07333 VFR - Finland
040BM07345 VFR - France
040GM07345 VFR - Germany
040GM07333 VFR - Greece
040BM07349 VFR - Hungary
040DM07325 VFR - Ireland
040LE07337 VFR - Italy and Malta
040CM07345 VFR - Netherlands
040HA07349 VFR - Norway
040HE07353 VFR - Portugal
040HA07333 VFR - Scandinavia
040HM07317 VFR - Slovenia
040HE07337 VFR - Southern Europe
040GE07337 VFR - Spain
040GA07333 VFR - Sweden
040LM07297 VFR - Switzerland
040HM07341 VFR - United Kingdom & Ireland
040LM07341 VFR - United Kingdom
040HL07342 World - Basic
040HP07330 World - Basic (Airport Diagrams)
040HK07340 Full Worldwide

Any ideas on Worldwide Military Supplement code?

040LG07338 Alaska
040HO07330 Canada
040HO07334 Canada - East
040DG07322 Canada - West
040HG07338 Canada - West / Alaska
040HK07342 Canada-Alaska
040HM07335 Caribbean
040HM07331 Mexico
040HE07339 U.S. Ports of Entry (Latin Supplement)
040HI07343 Latin America
040HI07342 Pacific Basin
040HM07334 Australasia
040HA07334 Australia
040HE07338 Far East
040HM07330 Hawaii
040HN07328 Brazil
040HN07332 Northern South America
040HF07336 Southern South America
040DN07316 Venezuela
040HJ07340 South America
040HK07341 USA - 48 States
040HG07337 USA - Central
040HC07333 USA - Central & West
040HO07329 USA - East
040HO07333 USA - East & Central
040HO07337 USA - Great Lakes
040HK07333 USA - High Performance 4000
040HK07329 USA - Military
040HC07337 USA - North Central
040HG07341 USA - North Central & Great Lakes
040DO07313 USA - Northeast
040LO07341 USA - Northwest
040HG07329 USA - South Central
040HC07341 USA - Southeast & South Central
040DO07325 USA - Southwest
040HO07341 USA - West
044DO08029 Xpress USA - California
040DC07317 Xpress USA - Central
047DO07249 Xpress USA - East
040DO07321 Xpress USA - East Central
044LO08033 Xpress USA - Florida
040LO07337 Xpress USA - Great Lakes
040HO07353 Xpress USA - Michigan
044DO08017 Xpress USA - Mid Atlantic
047LO04769 Xpress USA - Mid South
040DG07325 Xpress USA - North Central
047DO04753 Xpress USA - Northeast
047LO07277 Xpress USA - Northwest
040LG07329 Xpress USA - South Central
046LO07713 Xpress USA - Southeast
047DO04765 Xpress USA - Southwest
040HG07345 Xpress USA - Texas
040DC07321 Xpress USA - West Central
040HJ07341 Africa
040HH07341 Austria
040HL07333 Central Europe
040HI07340 China
040HK07343 Eastern Europe
040HO07331 Eastern Europe Special Manual
040HL07329 Europe
040HD07341 Europe Military
040HL07341 Europe-Mediterranean
040HH07337 France
040HP07333 Germany
040HP07331 India
040HH07329 Italy
040HL07343 Middle East and South Asia
040HP07341 Northern Europe
040HD07333 Scandinavia
040HN07329 South Africa
040HP07337 Spain
040HJ07342 Atlantic Special Manual Trans Atlantic
040HP07329 United Kingdom & Ireland
040DM07313 VFR - Austria
040LM07329 VFR - Belgium and Luxembourg
040DM07317 VFR - Bosnia and Hercegovina
040HM07329 VFR - Central Europe
040DA07317 VFR - Denmark
040HM07333 VFR - Eastern Europe
040HI07341 VFR - Europe
040LA07333 VFR - Finland
040BM07345 VFR - France
040GM07345 VFR - Germany
040GM07333 VFR - Greece
040BM07349 VFR - Hungary
040DM07325 VFR - Ireland
040LE07337 VFR - Italy and Malta
040CM07345 VFR - Netherlands
040HA07349 VFR - Norway
040HE07353 VFR - Portugal
040HA07333 VFR - Scandinavia
040HM07317 VFR - Slovenia
040HE07337 VFR - Southern Europe
040GE07337 VFR - Spain
040GA07333 VFR - Sweden
040LM07297 VFR - Switzerland
040HM07341 VFR - United Kingdom & Ireland
040LM07341 VFR - United Kingdom
040HL07342 World - Basic
040HP07330 World - Basic (Airport Diagrams)
040HK07340 Full Worldwide

Any ideas on Worldwide Military Supplement code?
Worldwide Military Supplement code: 024NH16790
@ExpeditePXO: your codes are for previous cycle.

For cycle 1209, use these:
024PI16794 Alaska
024ND16794 Americas - Military Supplement
024NI16786 Canada
024NA16794 Canada - East
024LI16810 Canada - West
024NI16794 Canada - West / Alaska
024NE16790 Canada-Alaska
024NB16793 Caribbean
024NJ16785 Mexico
024NJ16793 U.S. Ports of Entry (Latin American Supplement)
024NF16789 Latin America
024NG16790 Pacific Basin
024NC16794 Australasia
024NC16790 Australia
024NK16794 Far East
024NK16786 Hawaii
024NC16798 New Zealand
024ND16786 Pacific Basin - Military Supplement
024NI16784 Brazil
024NA16792 Northern South America
024NI16792 Southern South America
024LA16808 Venezuela
024NE16788 South America
024NH16789 USA - 48 States
025LD16801 USA - California & Nevada
024NL16793 USA - Central
024ND16789 USA - Central & West
024NL16785 USA - East
024ND16793 USA - East & Central
025PL16785 USA - Florida & Bahamas
024NP16793 USA - Great Lakes
024NH16793 USA - High Performance 4000
024ND16797 USA - North Central
024NH16785 USA - North Central & Great Lakes
024LL16801 USA - Northeast
024PD16785 USA - Northwest
024NP16797 USA - South Central
024PL16785 USA - Southeast
024NP16789 USA - Southeast & South Central
024LD16801 USA - Southwest
024ND16785 USA - West
024LD16865 Xpress USA - California
024LD16805 Xpress USA - Central
025LL16801 Xpress USA - East
024LP16809 Xpress USA - East Central
024PL16849 Xpress USA - Florida
024PP16793 Xpress USA - Great Lakes
024MP16777 Xpress USA - Michigan
024LL16865 Xpress USA - Mid Atlantic
030PL17809 Xpress USA - Mid South
024LH16801 Xpress USA - North Central
030LL17825 Xpress USA - Northeast
025PD16785 Xpress USA - Northwest
024PP16797 Xpress USA - South Central
027PL19345 Xpress USA - Southeast
030LD17825 Xpress USA - Southwest
024MP16781 Xpress USA - Texas
024LD16813 Xpress USA - West Central
024NG16788 Africa
024NL16786 Africa - Military Supplement
024NE16785 Austria
024NE16793 Central Europe
024NH16788 China
024NF16788 Eastern Europe
024NJ16784 Eastern Europe Special Manual
024NI16789 Europe
024NL16794 Europe - Military Supplement
024NE16789 Europe-Mediterranean
024NI16793 France
024NA16793 Germany
024NL16787 India
024NM16797 Italy
024NH16791 Middle East & South Asia
024ND16790 Middle East and South Asia - Military Supplement
024NA16797 North Sea
024NA16785 Northern Europe
024NA16789 Scandinavia
024NK16784 South Africa
024NM16793 Spain
024NF16791 Atlantic Special Manual Transatlantic
024NI16785 United Kingdom & Ireland
024LJ16802 VFR - Austria
024PJ16786 VFR - Belgium & Luxembourg
024LB16810 VFR - Bosnia & Herzegovina
024NJ16786 VFR - Central Europe
024PB16794 VFR - Croatia
024GJ16770 VFR - Czech Republic
024LB16806 VFR - Denmark
024NB16794 VFR - Eastern Europe
024MB16778 VFR - Estonia
024NF16790 VFR - Europe
024PB16790 VFR - Finland
024OJ16770 VFR - France
024OJ16802 VFR - Germany
024GB16778 VFR - Greece
024OB16778 VFR - Hungary
024LB16802 VFR - Ireland
024PJ16794 VFR - Italy & Malta
024OB16810 VFR - Latvia
024MB16794 VFR - Lithuania
024NB16778 VFR - Macedonia
024MJ16786 VFR - Netherlands
024MB16774 VFR - Norway
024KB16826 VFR - Poland
024MJ16778 VFR - Portugal
024NB16790 VFR - Scandinavia
024KB16810 VFR - Serbia & Montenegro
024GB16826 VFR - Slovakia
024CB16778 VFR - Slovenia
024NJ16794 VFR - Southern Europe
024GJ16778 VFR - Spain
024GB16774 VFR - Sweden
024NJ16770 VFR - Switzerland
024NB16786 VFR - United Kingdom & Ireland
024PB16786 VFR - United Kingdom
024NG16789 World - Basic
024NK16785 World - Basic (Airport Diagrams)
024NE16791 Full Worldwide
024NH16790 Worldwide - Military Supplement
I'm very sorry, my mistake.
@Capt_Nemo thank you very much for your correction and for the new codes!
hey i have the legal subscription of JMCS ; can anybody plz tell me how to convert it in jeppview format ??? plz
hey guys can anybody PFPS user can help me for the latest DAFIF ; i have the latest DAFIF of 2006 only ; any generous soul with most recent DAFIF ???
good job, thank you VERY MUCH !!!
Thanks Alot!
Does anyone know how to extract the contents of the .cab files in the .iso?
I've tried winrar, and a few other progs, with no luck.
How do you use the "Airportlist.bin"
where do you place that file?
is it not already part of the 1209 Installation?
"Airportlist.bin" is used only for Ipad. When copying the terminal charts to Ipad, it need this updated file to know what airport it available. Therefore this file has to be generated from the PC data. If you use the old airportlist.bin when you install the Ipad app, it will only show 3 airports. I believe the Ipad data posted already have this updated file for each cycle.
so in other words if I use the PC version only I don't need that file...
which would be the serial number to install it? is there any crack for the program, because there is only 30 days of use...
How do i get the Airway manual

when i click on "text" tab in jeppview nothing shows up....